Phillipians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always: again, I will say, Rejoice.

Can you believe our summer is moving so fast and planning for rallies and retreats has begun.

In October the Divide zone and the Central zone presidents’ positions will be up for election. If you are a member in one of these zones, I would like you to consider filling this role. Don’t think oh no I couldn’t do that!  You can! My first time I did not have a clue what I was doing but all my sisters in Christ helped me along the way. They will help you grow every step of the way, knowledgably and spiritually. The best part of LWML is serving our Lord and he blesses you back a 100-fold with spiritual growth, new friendships, travel, gifts of the heart, laughter and joy.

Secondly, I would like everyone to invite one person to an LWML meeting or event this year. Encourage your granddaughters to come. Last fall Billye and I invited our granddaughters to go to retreat with us on Flathead Lake. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves. My granddaughter said “Grandma I didn’t know old ladies were so funny.” She made lasting friendships with two of our LWML women.

I hope to see you at one of the retreats this year.

All God’s Blessings President Cheryl